Require Multiple collections
You can now setup your joinlist page to require users to own multiple nft collections.
This feature comes with two options:
- User must own ALL collections
- User must own ANY collection
Super powerful for collaborating with other communities, and ensuring the quality of your new community members stay high.
Fixes & Improvements
- automatically check if the user owns the required contracts on page load for registration page
- automatically check if the user is following the required twitter accounts as soon as they follow the required people
- you can now delete a project!
- set the maximum number of entries you want to allow on your joinlist
- got a new sexy emai l address: sam@joinlist.me
- users now have an allowance of 1,000 entries across all projects. if you reach this threshold, contact me!
- built GET /api/v1/usage endpoint which gets each persons usage allowance
- built a more user friendly error page when login issues occur (was just a very unpretty 1 line html file before)
- fixed min eth balance check
- fixed min eth balance is too rounded to 2 decimals - not saving the full decimal points
- swap spaces in a url with a dash when saving your handle. e.g typing a a handle of "https://joinlist.me/my cool project" "https://joinlist.me/my-cool-project"
- powered by joinlist btn at the bottom on the public registration page
- beta testing the solana integration!
- nice little loading icon when we're checking if you meet the requirements on the registration page
- re-wrote the endpoint to check requirements - it was super confusing