Joinlist Raffles
Raffles let you randomly select any number of wallets from your list of entries with ease.
To get started:
- Head to your dashboard
- Select a project
- Hit the Raffle button and Choose how many you want to select.
A demo of Raffles can be seen here.
- Show twitter users avatar in the list of entries in the creator dashboard.
- Connecting with Phantom Mobile browser now connects using their in-app browser.
- Month/Day/Hour/Minute/Second displayed on the countdown for a creators Page, rather than Day/Hour/Minute/Second.
- Show spinners on the button when user is signing a message/connect with Phantom Wallet on mobile.
- Use new Tooltip component when hovering over the age of an entry in the dashboard.
- Hitting the X on Phantom Wallet button now logs user out.
- Getting a users Usage (how many entries & projects they have) fixed.
- Hitting the Security tab in Dashboard was getting an Application Error. I was important an icon that didn't exist! DOH!
- "Twitter required but not connected." error. Two twitter account were linked to one user, and the database didnt know which one to choose! deleting the old twitter account fixed this issue. I must have manually changed this in the database.
- use the address of the signed in user for the RainbowKit component in a creators page, rather than the address given by RainbowKit.