Collectors can easily verify they are on a whitelist by pasting in a wallet on an Registration Page.
This feature was created due to collectors being unsure if they're address was succuessfully submitted. A demo of this in action can be seen here
More ways to verify, coming soon:
- Discord command: /verify {address} which lets you know if you're on the list
- Assign a custom Discord Role as soon as you successfully register
- Automatically link an account to the user who signed in. No more OAuthAccountNotLinked page!
- Auto-complete for Twitter Accounts
- Delete entry
apply linebreaks to description
OAuthAccountNotLinked page not styled
extremely slow loading times on getProject for large projects on the Registration Page
create api/v1/twitter/users?q=sam endpoint
validate the website url in the Dashboard
endAt date doesnt let you save when you initially first change the date
export siwe address instead of usernam
collapse menu items on hover are were cut off to early
autofocus on input when open raffle component
Solana icon too large on Page
no eth symbol on button in Page
add verified badge to accounts who are verfied for the Twitter Search User component
external link to the twitter profile
Set the initial Twitter Search Account to Apple
trigger for dialog to be a trash icon on right hand side of the item
avatar img not showing for user must own collection in public page
on Register click, button goes smaller
line height on joinlist home page tagline too big
if API is POST, DELETE, PATCH, console.log the request body
scroll to Validate wallet element as soon as you hit the register button
red/green border on Verify input not showing for useOnRegister
change message Must own Doodles to be eligible to User 0x..abc must own Doodles
- Having forward slash in slug breaks page
- hitting Security gets an app error
- user has nft, but check not showing they have it
- Input must not be undefined fixed
- unable to Unregister on the Public Page
- unable to import user to project