Automated Raffles (Beta)
The new automated raffles allows you to:
- configure how many users you want to pick when your raffle ends
- deliver an email to the winners (if the user opted in to receive emails upon completion)
- view who the winnners are in your project dashboard, with a badge next to the winners who's received an email
- brand new Checkbox component
- in /pages/[id], onRegister, if notify=true and has email in email input, save this info on the Entry
- on /pages/[id], if project is a raffle display the "opt in for emails" component
- create api endpoint to send email given sendgrid api keys
- change won column to winner in Entry
- if user wants emailing on win, send email using sendgrid
- add won badge on the list of entries in the creators dashboard
- fade out and scale down the Dialog component when clicking outside
- dialog doesnt close after deleteing and entry
- on click outsite, close Add Entry
- Save and cancel button for Add Entry
- have the create project btn primary (blue)
- hide Add Entry on ESC keydown
- hover over entry, cmd+backspace should delete the entry no questions asked
- when closing a popover, animate out
- remove unused routes
- too much padding on the date time components
- demo video of particles on twitter
- tabs component jumps and takes a while to load
- log to sentry on any errors
- animated tick on register
- Nftbuds ETH address not showing
- Scroll on mobile for registration page stuck
- no border around registration component