Introducing Spaces
Projects are now grouped by Spaces. This feature is particularly useful for users who manage multiple communities and want to group projects by their team or collaborate on a project.
Soon we will add the ability to add members to your Space, and create multiple Spaces for your community/collab/team.
Publish project to Discord
If you have installed our Discord bot, publishing your project will also send a message to your Discord Channel.
Install the Discord bot by:
- Head to your Dashboard
- Click
- Click
Install Discord Bot
Advanced Twitter Requirements
In addition to requiring your community to follow your account and collaborators, we have added additional filters:
- User must have a complete profile
- User must have an active account
- Like, retweet or like & retweet a status
- Must be followed by your Twitter account
Login with Email
If you are a creator, we now allow logging in with an email address, in addition to connecting with Twitter.
Fixes and improvements:
- Remove duplicate entries when Exporting
- Added option in settings/general to enable/disable FAQ
- Show the Twitter username and discord username on the entry list
- Send test messages to a channel in the Discord Integration
- Track IP address on each Entry (hashed IP)
- Location is included on the exported entries
- Show example of Bulk Import
- Option to disable Auto-select Raffle Winners
- Using sonner toast for toast notifications
- Redirect to login page when user logs out on dashboard
- Fixed space not loading from cancelled onboarding
- Fixed incorrect mutual follower count on some entries
- Fixed going from Integrations -> Dashboard gets not projects
- Fixed hitting https://joinlist.me/dashboard/{space}/integrations goes to Project Details
- Fixed unable to find channels or roles when adding discord bot
- Change the ComboboxPopover button to one similar to one consistent with Joinlist
- When a new user gets created, create them a default space in nextauth
- When the project gets created, if no spaceId given, get the default spaceId for the user
- Use vercel crons for handle project status
- Unable to verify NFT on register page
- Fixed Error: permission denied for table http_request_queue
- Upgrade to Pro in menu
- Fixed signing up with email defaults to type as collector
- Show signin with email on login page
- Fixed there is already an account associated with this email address.
- Fixed TypeError: Cannot destructure property 'nameRequired' of 'b' as it is undefined.
- Fixed error when clicking Settings on new project
- Fixed user can enter from multiple locations
- Create invite url for Discord via the Bot
- Create channel from discord bot
- Fixed welcome email not sending
- Track if the user is a creator or collector when signing up
- Sending out a welcome email upon signup
- Fixed unable to save empty input for number of raffle winners
- Fixed checkbox takes two clicks to check in Discord Settings
- Fixed failed to delete project. Reason: update or delete on table "Project" violates foreign key constraint "EntryArchive_projectId_fkey" on table "EntryArchive"
- Required/optional for contact fields
- Fixed unable to view tweet from Register page
- List the default settings we have for an active account